How COVID-19 Global Pandemic Has Affected My Personal Blog

One way or another, we are all affected by COVID-19 global pandemic. This
event has brought a great sadness to the world, yet it doesn't appear to be
stopping anytime soon. We can feel the effect of the pandemic in every aspect
of our lives, even in things that we may consider to be less important.
Nonetheless, I'm still surprised to find out how this pandemic also affects my
blog's traffic.

I didn't expect that COVID-19 could have a positive influence on this blog's traffic. I noticed that since March 2020, as countries began to shut down
their borders, the number of my blog visitors has been increasing. Then, I
tried to analyze my blog performance based on an article link
impression data.

The number of times a url appears on Google search result is referred
to as link impression
. Higher link impression may signify that an article is relevant and searched
more often. Link impression can be tracked through Google Search Console.

"How to Get AdSense Approval for Blogger Domain" is one of my articles which
gains traction ever since the pandemic got worse. I published this article
back in December 21st, 2019. From January until the end of February, the
article didn't generate many link impression.


The article was definitely not significant. It only generated less than 40
link impressions per day within those two months. However, by the end of
March, the number of link impression had tripled. In April, the impression
steadily increased to about 250 per day. From May until today, the article
appeared on Google search result for more than 600 times per day.

Link Impression Google Search Console

The Reason Behind The Traffic Increase

Having more visitors is definitely a good thing. However, I do realize that
there is a sinister reason behind the traffic increase. Between March and
May, a lot of countries underwent a strict lock down procedures in order to
curb the spread of COVID-19. As a result, millions of people lost their job.

In fact, according to the
United Nation,
1.6 billions people may see their livelihoods destroyed as the pandemic
prevent normal working hours. Unemployment is at an all time high and people
are desperate to find new source of income. The amount of people who start
blogging in hope to get revenue from AdSense may have also increased

Getting AdSense approval is not easy and creating a profitable Blogger is
even harder. Nevertheless, AdSense for Blogger still sounds very appealing
especially to those who are trapped in lock down. You can potentially make
money with zero cost because Blogger and AdSense are free. Furthermore,
you don't have to leave your home in order to create a blog.

Of course, there are a lot of factors behind website traffic increases.
Google core update back in May could also be a contributing factor. Nonetheless, I believe that the pandemic plays a significant role.

It is sad that some of you who visit my blog are perhaps one of the people
who lost their job due to the pandemic. However, I am also glad that my
blogging tips potentially may be able to help you getting through this troubled
times. The world is changing, new opportunity arises.

How does COVID-19 affect your life so far? Some regions begin to ease up the lock down but stay vigilance, the pandemic is not over yet. Stay safe and healthy!

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