Complete Guide on Displaying Advertisement in Blogger using AdSense Ad Unit

Not many people know that they can monetize Blogger using AdSense. For those
of you who are using the free Blogspot subdomain, you can ask for AdSense
approval through Blogger dashboard once your blog is qualified. If your are
using custom domain, you can request for approval right away directly to your
AdSense account.

You will be able to place advertisement using auto ads. You will also be allowed to place ads unit
after AdSense has approved your blog. Enabling auto ads and manually placing
ads unit together may increase your ads revenue.

If you enable auto ad, AdSense will decide the best placement, the number, and
the type of ads that will appear on your blog. You can read  about
Adsense auto ads for Blogger in this article:
How to Display Advertisment in Blogger Using AdSense Auto Ads.

AdSense allows you to place ad units manually to complement the auto ads.
You can put ad units inside your article and on your blog body. You need a
little bit knowledge on HTML in order to place ads units manually on your
blog. There are three types of ad units which you can create from AdSense.
They are Diplay ads, In-feed ads, and In-article ads.

Adsense ad unit

Display ads is the all-purpose ad unit which you can place anywhere within
your blog.
In-feed ads appears on the body of your website. It is designed to be placed in between your blog posts because it'll
match the appearance of your blog. In-article ads is designed to be place
within an article. This ad unit will match the appearance of your

Creating AdSense Ad Unit for Blogger

To create Display Ads, go to your AdSense account and choose
Ads > Overviews > By ad unit > Display Ads. You will
be redirected to a page where you can name and preview the unit. You are
also required to choose ad size. I recommend you to always use Responsive.
Fixed ad unit size may not appear properly if you don't know what you are

Once you've finished, click "Create" and you will be redirected to a page
with the ad unit code. You can copy this code and place it immediately or
click done. You will be able to use this ad unit multiple time within multiple
articles and blog body. However I recommend you to create multiple ads
units for different purposes.

The way you create an In-article Ads is similar to the way you create a
Display ads. The only difference is that you can customize the In-article
Ads style.
However, you can just choose to enable Google-optimized styles.

Creating In-feed ad unit is quite different compared to creating Display
or In-Article. First of all, you will be required to input your website url.
You also need to choose mobile or dekstop. Then press the "Scan the page"

However I have to admit that I have yet to practice placing In-feed ads
in my blogs. My current theme for this blog does not appear to support
in-feed ads by default. I will put In-feeds ads experiment to maximum
priority when my next blog is approved by AdSense, so stay tune!

infeed blogger adsense failed

Naming Ad Unit for Blogger

You are freely to name the ad unit. Sometimes, I use the following format
in order to name my ad unit: yourblogname_display_place_number. For
example, I could use sofanmax_display_post_1 for my first ad unit.

Another example, I could create another ad unit and name it
sofanmax_display_sidebar_1 for the sidebar advertisement. I could also
create sofanmax_display_bottompost_1 for every Display ads on the bottom
part of my articles. 

You can also create ad units for specific topic if you would like to track
how the ads perform inside articlea with that particular topic. If you
are a beginner, I suggest you not to create too many ad unit.

How to place AdSense ad units in Blogger articles

Please make sure that you read AdSense ad placement policy when you are placing ad unit manually. You have to pay attention to this policy so that you won't get banned from AdSense.

Out of the three available ad units, you are only allowed to place Display
ads and In-article ads inside your post. In order to place these ads units,
you need to follow the following steps:

  • Write an interesting article in your blog text editor

  • Choose HTML view then press format html.

  • Go to AdSense > Ads > Overview > By ad unit

  • Scroll down and find the ad unit that you have created

  • Get code and copy the code snippet

  • Go back to your blog and paste the code in between paragraphs

Typically, the HTML view of your article and ad unit code should look this following code:

Second paragraph
Your AdSense ads unit code
Third paragraph

You may look at the following picture for an example of how I put
In-article ads within this article.

In article adsense blogger post

Manually placing In-article ads

If you pay attention to the HTML code above, the ad unit code is sandwiched
between line break tag <br/>. It is necessary to put In-article ad
unit or Display ad unit in between <br/> tag to provide spacing.

Depending on the length of your article, you can put an ad unit after every
two or three paragraphs. The maximum ad density recommended by the Better
Ads Standard is 30%. It is important to note that placing too many ads units
may disturb your visitors.

In my case, I usually place In-article ad unit after the second or third
paragraph. Then I would put display ads after every two or three paragraphs.
Usually you will find 3-5 ads units within my articles.

How to place ads on Blogger layout using gadget

For qualified Blogger users with free Blogspot domain, advertisements can
be displayed through gadget (widget).
If you are using this method, AdSense will automatically generate the ad

The ad unit name usually looks like this: "blogname_sidebar_AdSense1_1x1_as". In order to enable ads through widget, you have to follow this step:

  • Go to your Blogger dashboard, then select Layout.

  • Select "Add a Gadget" then a pop up window will appear in which you can
    select various gadgets.

  • Select "AdSense" and for the ad format, choose "Responsive". Then

Depending on your Blogger theme, you may be able to move, add, or delete
the widget. Usually you place this widget on your blog sidebar or underneath
the page navigation bar.

AdSense Gadet Blogger

AdSense and HTML/JavaScript Gadgets

Blogger users may ask for approval directly to AdSense if they are
using custom domain. It means that AdSense may approve your blog without
waiting for it to become qualified. If you are approved using this
method, you will not be able to use AdSense gadget.

Instead, you can place ad unit code using HTML/JavaScript
Gadgets. You are only able to use Display ads format when you are using
this gadget. Do not put In-feed or In-article ads code within the
gadget because it may negatively affect performance.

If you want to place In-feed ads in between your posts using widget, follow
this step:

  • Go to the Layout section from the Blogger dashboard

  • In the Page Body, select edit the blog post gadget.

  • A popup window will appear

  • Locate "Show Ads Between Posts" and enable it.

  • In Configure Inline Ads, you can choose to show ads after every one posts.

In some custom Blogger themes, In-feeds ads may not be able to appear using
this method. Instead, you may need to put the ads code directly inside of the
HTML code of your custom theme if it supports In-feed. 

Placing AdSense ad unit manually can be confusing for those of you who are not familiar with HTML. However, using manual placement along with auto ads may increase your ads performance. It is something worth a try.

Leave a comment bellow if you find any difficulty understanding AdSense manual placement. Don't hesitate to point out any mistake or incomplete information within this article if you find any!

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