Chemistry Periodic Table | Chemistry Table Question Answers MCQs

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Solved Past Papers MCQs Chemistry Periodic Table Question Answers Quiz
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Basic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions With Answers MCQs

Q.1: Which one of the following is an inorganic fertilizer ?
  1. manure
  2. urea
  3. ammonium nitrate
  4. All
Q.2: Which statement is incorrect about catalyst----------- ?
  1. it is used in smaller amount
  2. decrease activation energy
  3. specific in action
  4. it affects specific rate constant
Q.3: Which substance can be used for disinfecting water ?
  1. KMnO4
  2. Alums
  3. Ozone
  4. All
Q.4: Rate of reaction when concentration of reactants are taken as unity is called--------- ?
  1. Arrhenius constant
  2. Molecularity
  3. Specific rate constant
  4. Ideal rate constant
Q.5: Requirement of macronutrient per acre of the land is--------- ?
  1. 5 to 200 kg
  2. 20-200 kg
  3. 200-400 kg
  4. 30-400 kg
Q.6: A polymer in which three different monomers combine called-------- ?
  1. Copolymer
  2. Terpolymer
  3. Homopolymer
  4. Biopolymer
Q.7: Which one of the following aqueous solutions will be basic ?
  1. NaCI
  2. Na2SO4
  3. Na2CO3
  4. FeCl3
Q.8: The percentage of nitrogen in urea is-------- ?
  1. 36%
  2. 46%
  3. 56%
  4. 66%
Q.9: The composition of mixture of clay and lime stone in the raw for cement material is --------- ?
  1. 75% lime stone and 25% clay
  2. 25% lime stone and 75% clay
  3. 15% lime stone and 55% clay
  4. 55% lime stone and 15% clay
Q.10: When sparingly soluble salt is in equilibrium with molar concentration of its oppositely charged ion when the product is called------- ?
  1. common ion effect
  2. solubility product
  3. dissociation constant
  4. dissociation constant for an acid
Q.11: A single chlorine free radical can destroy how many ozone molecules ?
  1. 10
  2. 100
  3. 10000
  4. 100000
Q.12: Conjugated base of a weak acid is--------- ?
  1. weak
  2. strong
  3. moderately weak
  4. unstable
Q.13: Which of the following solutions of H2SO4 is more concentrated ?
  1. 1 Molar solution
  2. 1 molal solution
  3. 1 normal solution
  4. all have same concentration
Q.14: Which one of the following makes the bulk of hydrospheres content ?
  1. oceans
  2. glaciers AND icecaps
  3. fresh water lakes and ponds
  4. All have equal distribution
Q.15: Which of the following is not a secondary pollutant-------- ?
  1. ozone
  2. carbonic acid
  3. sulphuric acid
  4. carbon dioxide
Q.16: When the reaction completes in more than one steps rate of reaction will be determined by-------- ?
  1. Fast step
  2. Slowest step
  3. All steps
  4. Molecularity of the reaction
Q.17: For 3rd order reaction the hhalf life is inversely proportional to initial concentration of reactants------- ?
  1. Single
  2. Square
  3. Cube
  4. Raise to power four
Q.18: The fertility of the soil is improved by----------- ?
  1. Rotation of the crops
  2. Adding lime to the acid salts
  3. Adding manure and growing legumes
  4. All
Q.19: The specific rate constant of a first order reaction depends on the------- ?
  1. Time
  2. Concentration of the reactant
  3. Temperature
  4. Concentration of the product
Q.20: Which of the following air pollutants is more dangerous for ozone layer ?
  1. CFC
  2. CO2
  3. CO
  4. Oxides of nitrogen
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