Chemistry Exams | MCQs Objective Type Question Answers

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Online Objective Type Quiz For NCERT Chemistry Test

Q.1: Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy compounds of-------- ?
  1. Glucose
  2. Glyceraldehydes
  3. Oligosaccharides
  4. Aldehydes and ketones
Q.2: All proteins yield ----------- upon complete hydrolysis ?
  1. Nitrogen
  2. Amino acids
  3. Carbon and hydrogen
  4. Sulphur
Q.3: Orgosterol is-------------- ?
  1. Orgocalciferol
  2. Vitamin D2
  3. Sterol
  4. all of the above
Q.4: Triglycerides are easily hydrolyzed by enzymes called--------- ?
  1. Lyases
  2. Ligases
  3. Lipases
  4. Hydrolases
Q.5: The mechanism by which the genetic information can be duplicated is called--------- ?
  1. Duplication
  2. Transcription
  3. Replication
  4. Mutation
Q.6: Any process of chemical decay of metals due to the action of surrounding medium is called--------- ?
  1. activation
  2. enameling
  3. corrosion
  4. coating
Q.7: Hydrolysis of an oligosaccharide in the presence of acid yields--------- ?
  1. one monosaccharide unit
  2. No monosaccharide unit
  3. 2-9 monosaccharide unit
  4. many monosaccharide
Q.8: Which of the following is typical transition metal ?
  1. Sc
  2. Y
  3. Cd
  4. Co
Q.9: When a compound of transition element is dissolved in a solution of salt then it produces--------- ?
  1. simples ions
  2. complex ions
  3. double salts
  4. strong anions
Q.10: The yellow colour in photochemical smog is due to presence of---------- ?
  1. dinitrogen oxide
  2. nitrogen dioxide
  3. chlorine gas
  4. chlorine dioxide
Q.11: Which of the following is used as water disinfectant to avoid the formation of toxic compounds------ ?
  1. Cl2
  2. O3
  3. ClO2
  4. both B AND C
Q.12: When common salt is dissolved in water ?
  1. Boiling point of water decrease
  2. Boiling point of water increase
  3. Boiling point of water remains same
  4. None of the above
Q.13: The relative lowering of vapour pressure is----------- ?
  1. equal to the mole fraction of solvent
  2. equal to the mole fraction of solute
  3. directly proportional to the mole fraction of solute
  4. both B AND C
Q.14: Solution of Na2SO4 will be---------- ?
  1. basic
  2. acidic
  3. neutral
  4. cannot be presicted without data
Q.15: Which of the following substance do not show continuous solubility curve ?
  1. KCIO4
  2. Na2SO4. 10H2O
  3. K2Cr2O7
  4. PbCl2
Q.16: If the volume of solution is equal to sum of volumes of its all components then the solution-------- ?
  1. will be an ideal solution
  2. will be non-ideal solution
  3. will show deviations from Raoults law
  4. both b AND c
Q.17: A process controlled by Distributive law is----------- ?
  1. Crystallization
  2. Sublimation
  3. Solvent extraction
  4. Filtration
Q.18: Which acid is the manufacture of synthetic rubber ?
  1. Acetic acid
  2. Formic acid
  3. Carbonic acid
  4. Benzoic acid
Q.19: Which type of bond is formed by overlap of p orbitals ------- ?
  1. Pi
  2. Sigma
  3. Both
  4. Neither
Q.20: A specie with maximum number of unpaired electrons ?
  1. F
  2. H2O
  3. HF
  4. NH-2
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