How to Fix Valuable Inventory: No Content in AdSense Violation

In order to be accepted by AdSense, you are required to have a website or blog
that has been finished. If you submit a website that is still under
construction or development, you will be rejected. There are many type of
AdSense violations that will cause rejection, one of them is Valuable
Inventory: No Content.

This type of rejection is often encountered by beginner bloggers with newly
created websites.  A lot of people are impatient to monetize their blog.
As a result, the rate of AdSense rejection is very high.

The Valuable Inventory: No Content violation is a type of violation that will
appear when you apply with a blog that doesn't have enough content or no
content at all. It is quite self-explanatory but for beginners, it can be
quite confusing.

Read also:

fixing valuable inventory no content adsense violation

Valuable Inventory: No content is a common AdSense violation.

 Fixing Valuable Inventory: No Content

To minimize this type of  AdSense violation from happening, you should
submit a blog that already has at least 30 well-written articles. You can get
approval with less than that. However, when you have a lot of published posts,
AdSense will detect that your website is finished and ready to be monetized.
Your chance of approval will go up significantly!

Of course, just having a lot of articles will not guarantee approval. A blog
that has low quality content may also trigger Valuable Inventory: No content
violation. AdSense may asses that your content is worthless.

Therefore, you need to
have quality articles. Based on my experience, here are the general characteristics of a
well-written article:

  • Original article, not copied from other websites.

  • Unique writing style.

  • Contains at least 800 words.

  • Contains non-copyrighted image.

  • Contains internal and external links to reputable source.

  • Easy to read.

  • Tidy formatting.

Valuable Inventory: No content will appear when your blog only contain few
published posts, few words, only embedded video or image, scrapped articles,
machine-generated articles, and so on.

To summarize, you can fix Valuable Inventory: No content violation
by having a lot of published posts and those posts have to be high

However, sometimes you may have done those two main things but you still
receive this violation. It can happen because of several other reasons:

Broken theme or scripts

AdSense may not be unable to assess the content of your website properly
because of errors in your theme or template. Change your theme!

Slow loading speed

AdSense will not be able to asses your website properly if it loads too long.
Slow loading speed can be caused by heavy theme or bad server (if you are
using non-Blogger platform).

Doing major changes during review period

It generally takes up to two weeks for AdSense to review your blog. If during
the review period you did a major modification to your website, AdSense will
not be able to complete the review properly, thus you will receive rejection.

Indexing problem

Simply put, indexing is a process to list your website into Google search
result. This way visitors will be able to discover your content easily. If
your website is private or can not be indexed, AdSense may also be unable to
discover your content as well.

Wrong robots.txt setting will cause indexing problem. Do not modify your
robots.txt if you do not know what you are doing. For Blogger users, leave the
robots.txt setting as default.  This way, AdSense crawler will be able to
find your blog and review your content.

Do not forget to check how to index your posts using Google Search Console at
the following article: "How to Index Blogger Post Using Google Search Console Tool - Basic Search
Engine Optimization

The Key to AdSense Approval is Patience

If you are new blogger, do not be impatient. Build your website well and
populate it with a lot of good articles. Monetizing a blog using AdSense can
not be done instantly.

blogger earnings tab adsense rejection

Earnings section in Blogger dashboard after AdSense rejection.

For bloggers with few published post, AdSense approval is actually irrelevant.
It means that you will not get any meaningful income. So it is better to build
your content first, acquire steady visitors, then you can think about

Please do not forget that monetization is only relevant if you have good
content in the first place!

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