9th Biology Unit 19 Man And Biology MCQs Sindh Board

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IX Class Biology MCQs Sindh Karachi Board
9th Biology MCQs Quiz Test

Q.1: Which one of the following is not a consequence of deforestation??
  1. Green house effect
  2. disturbed water cycle
  3. Depletion of ozone layer
  4. Soil erosion
Q.2: Bacteria play an important role in?
  1. Fermentation
  2. Pasteurization
  3. Sterilization
  4. Radiation
Q.3: Typhoid is a disease of?
  1. Intestine
  2. Kidney
  3. Liver
  4. Lungs
Q.4: Plasmodium causes?
  1. Typhoid
  2. Cholera
  3. Influenza
  4. Malaria
Q.5: Polluted air contains certain gases. Which out of these is most poisonous??
  1. Carbon dioxide
  2. Nitrogen dioxide
  3. Carbon monoxide
  4. Sulphur dioxide
Q.6: Which one of the following is caused by acid rains??
  1. Stone cancer
  2. Green house effect
  3. Damage to ozone layer
  4. Denitrification of soil
Q.7: Name of technique discovered by a French Scientist Louis Pasteur?
  1. Pasteurization
  2. Sterilization
  3. Fermentation
  4. Radiation
Q.8: Symbiosis is an association between two individual which?
  1. One Pasteur gets benefited and other is harmed
  2. One Pasteur gets benefited and other is neither harmed nor gets benefits
  3. Both are harmed
  4. Both partners get benefits
Q.9: Which form of drug abuse involves most risk of infection with HIV (AIDS) virus?
  1. Cigarette smoking
  2. using alcohol
  3. Taking too many aspirins
  4. Injection of heroine
Q.10: Biology is a study of?
  1. Microorganisms
  2. Life
  3. Plants and animals
  4. Environment
Q.11: It is a antibiotic?
  1. Rhizobium
  2. Sericulture
  3. Penicillin
  4. HIV
Q.12: Which gas is being constantly formed, broken down and reformed high up in the atmosphere?
  1. Nitrogen oxide
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Ozone
  4. Ammonia
Q.13: It is not a pathogenic organism?
  1. Aids
  2. Tetanus
  3. Ring worm
  4. Honey bee
Q.14: This worm is usually not pathogenic for human beings?
  1. Flat worm
  2. Ring worm
  3. Earth worm
  4. Thread worm
Q.15: It is not an antibiotic?
  1. Cephalosporins
  2. Erythromycins
  3. Tetracyclines
  4. Benzen hexachioride
Q.16: There is still no cure for it?
  1. AIDS
  2. Poliomyelitis
  3. Tetanus
  4. Influenza
Q.17: Ozone layer is being broken down continuously by the action of?
  1. SO2
  2. O3
  3. CFCs
  4. CO2
Q.18: Which of the following is not a consequence of deforestation?
  1. Depletion of ozone layer
  2. Soil erosion
  3. Green house effect
  4. Disturbed water cycle
Q.19: Bacteria play an important role in?
  1. Pasteurization
  2. Sterilization
  3. Fermentation
  4. Radiation
Q.20: Typhoid is a diseases of?
  1. Kidney
  2. Liver
  3. Lungs
  4. Intestine
Q.21: Plasmodium causes?
  1. Typhoid
  2. Cholera
  3. Influenza
  4. Malaria
Q.22: Polluted air contains gases which out of these is most poisonous?
  1. Carbon dioxide
  2. Carbon monoxide
  3. Nitrogen dioxide
  4. Sulphur dioxide
Q.23: Which one of these is caused by acid rains??
  1. Green house effect
  2. Stone cancer
  3. Damage of ozone layer
  4. Denitrification of soil
Q.24: Name of technique discovered by a French Scientist Louis Pasteur?
  1. Pasteurization
  2. Radiation
  3. Fermentation
  4. Sterilization
Q.25: To which group(s) the microorganisms which bring about Nitrogen fixing is root nodules of Legumes belong to?
  1. Bacteria
  2. Protozoa and bacteria
  3. Fungai
  4. Fungi
Q.26: Which organisms transmits parasites from one host to another?
  1. Bacterium
  2. Vector
  3. Pathogen
  4. Virus
Q.27: Role of biotechnology in the production of food is based of?
  1. Fermentation
  2. Respiration
  3. Decomposition
  4. Digestion
Q.28: CFCs stand for?
  1. ColdFusion Components
  2. Cardiofaciocutaneous
  3. chlorofluorocarbons
  4. Carbon fibre composite
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