9th Biology Unit 16 Genes & Inheritance MCQs Sindh Board

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Biology MCQs
9th Biology MCQs Quiz

Q.1: The basic unit of inheritance is?
  1. Nucleus
  2. Gametes
  3. Genes
  4. Chromosome
Q.2: Physical and physiological appearance of a trait in an individual is?
  1. Phenotype
  2. Genotype
  3. Genome
  4. Karyotype
Q.3: Crossing over takes place between?
  1. Two non-homologous chromosomes
  2. Two homologous chromosomes
  3. Any two chromosomes
  4. Non\-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes
Q.4: Nucleic acid is a?
  1. DNA
  2. RNA
  3. Nucleotide
  4. Polynucleotide
Q.5: What is the genotypic ratio of offspring’s of monohybrid in second generation.?
  1. 9:3:3:1
  2. 1:2:1
  3. 3:1
  4. 1:1:1:1
Q.6: Molecular scissors used in genetic engineering?
  1. Restrictions
  2. Lipase
  3. Genetic donor
  4. Plasmids endonucleus
Q.7: Who among these was produced by genetic engineering??
  1. Dhani on
  2. Rahu-thaila carp
  3. Nancy sheep
  4. Jersey Sahiwal cow
Q.8: Who secretes human factor VIII in her milk??
  1. Ethel
  2. Neeli - Ravi
  3. Kajli
  4. Nancy
Q.9: The characteristics of the offspring’s to resemble Its parent is called?
  1. Heredity
  2. Histones
  3. Inheritance
  4. genetics
Q.10: Basic protein of DNA is called?
  1. Histones
  2. Polynucleotid
  3. None of them
  4. Nucleotides
Q.11: The change in the base sequence in the DNA molecule is called?
  1. Nucleotides
  2. Helix
  3. Replication
  4. Point mutation
Q.12: The genetic makeup or gene constitution of an individual is?
  1. breeder
  2. Genotype
  3. Genetics
  4. Hybrid
Q.13: Mendel called the F1 generation as?
  1. First filial generation
  2. Parental generation
  3. Hybrid generation
  4. Second filial generation
Q.14: A pair of contrasting characters like tall and dwarf stem called?
  1. Allelomorph
  2. Phenotype
  3. Hybrid
  4. Allele
Q.15: It is a x shaped cross links formed between non sister chromatids?
  1. Genome
  2. Crossing over
  3. Chiasma
  4. Synapsis
Q.16: It is caused by sex linked genes?
  1. Diabetes
  2. Diarohea
  3. Hemophilia
  4. Sickle cell anemia
Q.17: There are four different kinds of organic bases found in the DNA one of them is?
  1. Chiamata
  2. Adenine
  3. Genome
  4. Locus
Q.18: Each molecule of DNA is made up of two?
  1. Deoxyribose
  2. Poly nucleotide
  3. Nucleotides
  4. Nitrogenous Bases
Q.19: Mutation may give rise to even more than two alternate form of a gene called?
  1. Alleles
  2. Nitrogenous base
  3. Nucleotides
  4. Phosphoric acid
Q.20: Your body contains two set of --------_ chromosomes each?
  1. 23
  2. 22
  3. 44
  4. 11
Q.21: Which traits do not pass to woman??
  1. x and y linked
  2. Sex linked
  3. Autosomal
  4. y\-Iinked
Q.22: Which traits are more common in man than woman??
  1. x and y linked
  2. Autosomol
  3. x-linked recessive
  4. y\-linked
Q.23: Pick out the x- linked recessives trait?
  1. Sickle cell anaemia
  2. Maleness
  3. Diabetes
  4. Haemophila
Q.24: Which type of trait colour blindness is?
  1. y - linked
  2. x - linked
  3. Autosomal
  4. x \-\ linked recessive
Q.25: Who is responsible for determination of maleness??
  1. y - chrornosomes
  2. Autosome
  3. x - chromosomes
  4. SRY gene
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