9th Biology Unit 12 Excretion MCQs Sindh Board

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Biology MCQs Ninth Sindh Boards
9th Biology MCQs

Q.1: The metabolic waste products are removed by Amoeba chiefly through the?
  1. Excretory canals
  2. Cell surface
  3. Food vacuole
  4. Contractile Vacuole
Q.2: The chief nitrogenous waste in cockroach is?
  1. Uric acid
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Urea
  4. Ammonia
Q.3: The flame cell system is found in?
  1. Planaria
  2. Vertebrates
  3. Earthworm
  4. Cockroach
Q.4: rea is mainly synthesized in?
  1. Blood
  2. Liver
  3. Nephrons
  4. Kidney
Q.5: Which of the following substances is completely reabsorbed from the filtrate in the renal tubule under normal conditions?
  1. Water
  2. Salt
  3. Glucose
  4. Urea
Q.6: Malpighian tubules empty waste into?
  1. Ureter
  2. Coelom
  3. Lymph
  4. Gut
Q.7: Which of the following is the part of Kidney?
  1. Ileum
  2. Atrium
  3. Pelvis
  4. Seminiferous tubule
Q.8: In mammalian kidney loop of Henle is present in?
  1. Medulla
  2. Ureter
  3. Bowmans capsule
  4. Cortex
Q.9: Nephrons are connected with?
  1. Nervous system
  2. Circulatory system
  3. Respiratory system
  4. Excretory System
Q.10: The blood filtered through the?
  1. Renal tubule
  2. Loop of Henle
  3. Bowmans capsule
  4. Golmerulus
Q.11: Anus is present on?
  1. Aboral surface
  2. Lower surface
  3. Anterior surface
  4. Oral surface
Q.12: The type of activity in which the smaller substance combine to build up the more complex ones is called?
  1. Respiration
  2. Anabolism
  3. Metabolism
  4. Reproduction
Q.13: The excess water in plants is removed by the process of?
  1. b and c
  2. Guttation
  3. Respiration
  4. Transpiration
Q.14: In Amoeba Ammonia diffuse out through?
  1. Golgi complex
  2. Nucleus
  3. Cell membrane
  4. Mitochondria
Q.15: In earthworm the number of Naphridia in each segment is about?
  1. Two
  2. Nine
  3. Five
  4. Three
Q.16: The part of nephridium which opens into the body cavity by a ciliated funnel is called?
  1. Nephrostome
  2. Mouth
  3. bowmans capsule
  4. Nephridiopore
Q.17: The name of common mineral salt present in salt is?
  1. potassium sulphate
  2. Sodium chloride
  3. Iron sulphate
  4. Calcium oxalate
Q.18: The nitrogen part is removed from the amino acid by daemination?
  1. NH2
  2. NO3
  3. HNO3
  4. NO2
Q.19: In a healthy person liters of blood plasma is filtered by the nephrons each day?
  1. 80 liters
  2. 120 liters
  3. 150 liters
  4. 180 liters
Q.20: In dialyser membrane is used as?
  1. Partially permeable
  2. Non permeable
  3. Totally permeable
  4. Semipermeable
Q.21: Conical projections in the I.S of kidney is called?
  1. Pelvis
  2. Pyramids
  3. Medulla
  4. Nephrons
Q.22: The metabolic waste products are removed by Amoeba chiefly through the?
  1. Food vacuole
  2. Cell surface
  3. Excretory canal
  4. contractile vacuole
Q.23: The metabolic waste products are removed by Amoeba chiefly through the?
  1. Food vacuole
  2. Cell surface
  3. Excretory canal
  4. contractile vacuole
Q.24: The flame cell system is found in?
  1. Planaria
  2. Vertebrates
  3. Earth worm
  4. Cockroach
Q.25: Urea is mainly synthesized in?
  1. Liver
  2. Nephrons
  3. Blood
  4. Kidney
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