Tracking Revenue Generated by a Specific Page Using AdSense URL Channel Feature

If you look at your default AdSense reports, you will notice that you will
not be able to see the amount of revenue generated by a specific page. In
order to see how much money a page has generated, you can utilize AdSense
URL channel.

If you have multiple websites in one AdSense account, the default report will
be able to show the revenue from each site. 

However, if you would love to get even more detailed information, you can
breakdown the revenue reporting via URL channel.

Read also: Inserting link in Quora Answers - Will It Increase Blogger Website Page Rank? 

The Benefits of Knowing Specific Page Revenue

Knowing AdSense revenue generated by a specific page will help you to
determine the type of article which is able to attract more clicks. It also
helps you to gauge if a page is under performing.

Assessing the revenue of a single page can also be quite important especially
if you have multiple writers. If you would like to give bonus to a writer
whose article generated most money, enabling AdSense URL channel will be

tracking revenue using AdSense url channel

Tracking page's revenue individually will also help you to assess if there is
a foul play going on.

If a page has unusual revenue or impression spike, then it is possible that
the page is problematic. It could be spam or an unusual illegitimate traffic.
You'd be able to take immediate action based on the report. 

Read also:

How to Use AdSense URL Channel to Track a Revenue from a Specific Page

You can easily use URL channel directly from your AdSense Account.
Follow the instructions:

  • Go to your AdSense account.

  • Select Ads.

  • Select URL channels.

  • Put your Blogger posts url. You can add multiple urls at once, each line
    should only contain one url.

  • After you're done adding urls that you would like to track, press "Add url

  • AdSense will now track the revenue of each url.

  • Go to Reports, then select the URL channel report to see the revenue of the
    tracked pages.

adsense url channel to track revenu of specific page

Currently, one AdSense account can track 500 urls at once. Because of the
limited number of tracking space, choose only pages which get regular views.

URL channel only track the ads which appear in the main page content. It doesn't count ads which is displayed on the website's body (for example: sidebar and anchor ads).

If you would like to track revenue generated by ads which appear on website's body, you can use custom channels feature. It is similar to URL channel. You'd need to add the ad units which are displayed on the body inside a custom channel. 

Custom channels also offer you with ads targeting feature. Comment below if you'd like to know more about custom channels feature.

Now that you are able to assess individual page revenue, you would be able to
improve your blog performance accordingly!

URL channel is not the only way we can track revenue in detail. You can use
AdSense ads units to see how well a page performs.

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