How to Use Native Image Lazy Loading to Speed Up Blogger Websites

Page loading speed is one of Google ranking signals. For us Blogger
users, we are luckily blessed with a reliable Google hosting. Even though it
is free, the loading speed is undeniably fast. 

So, if this platform is used properly, you will be able to create a website
with great performance.

Google is using page speed as a ranking signal since
2010 for desktop users
2018 for mobile users. Did you know that most users will click away and abandon a website if its
loading speed is longer than 3 seconds?

So, even though Blogger is already fast, we need to make it much faster. We
are in need for speed! You can
make Blogger loads even faster by utilizing native image lazy-loading

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What is Image Lazy-loading?

Having several pictures in our blog posts is essential to drive traffic from
Google Search Image. Pictures also provide additional value to our articles.
After all, one picture is worth a thousand words.

Image is usually the biggest resource in a webpage. Video does take a lot more
bandwidth to load. But in a blog post, image is used more often than video. We
do not always embed a video and that is fine. However, a blog post without an
image is incomplete. 

speed ilustration blogger

A webpage with picture in it will consume larger bandwidth to load. For
comparison, if you have a 1000 words article in plain text, the size of the
file is less than 10 kilobytes. 

One small thumbnail image can be over 100kilobytes. If your have multiple high
resolution images, the size of the webpage will be several megabytes.

By default, when you open  a post with multiple images, your browser will
try to load all of the images at once. So, it will take longer time to load
the page. The slower loading speed is very noticeable if  your internet
signal is bad.

If you enable the lazy-loading feature in your Blogger posts, the browser will
not load multiple images in one go. 

With lazy-loading, browser will prioritize to
load images which are visible
on the screen (viewport). 

The images which are not visible on the screen will only be loaded when the
user is scrolling down.

This way, the loading speed is much faster because the image is only loaded
when it is needed. The image which is located at the bottom (not visible on
screen) will not be loaded yet. It is far more efficient.

For example, you have 10 images in one webpage. Each image is 1 megabyte (mb).
There are two scenarios:

  • Without lazy-loading, all 10 images will be loaded in on go. It will takes
    10mb in one session. 

  • With lazy-loading, only the first image is visible on screen, so it will
    only take 1mb and the loading is finished. When you scroll down, the second
    image will be loaded, it'll also only take 1mb. And so on until you scroll
    all the way down.

It is faster to load 1mb in multiple session compared loading 10mb in one

If users decide to click away after the fifth image, they will only consumed
5mb. The rest of the images are not loaded thanks to the lazy-loading.

Only load what the users see. Load the image below the viewport when
the users scroll down. So efficient!

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Lazy-Loading vs Normal Loading Comparison

I have created two identical Blogger posts which contain 10 images. One of the
posts is using lazy-loading:

Open those two posts. Which one loads more efficiently and faster? The
difference will be very extreme if your internet connection is slow.

You can compare the two pages via
Page Speed Insight. Blogger with lazy loading is consistently having higher speed score. Which
means that it potentially has better Core Web Vitals! 

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How to Implement Native Lazy-loading in Blogger

Previously, we needed a third party library or using scripts to implement
lazy-loading. It is not beginner friendly.  Thankfully things have

Nowadays we only need to add a simple code in our image HTML tag. Browsers
will recognize the code and initiate lazy-loading when a user open the page.

In order to implement native lazy-loading in Blogger, do the following

Step 1: Inserting Image

First, insert your images. Don't forget to add alt and title texts for SEO
purposes. Caption is optional, but it is always a good idea to provide
additional context. 


Step 2: Use HTML view in Blogger text editor

The HTML view is located on the top left corner. Then, use Format HTML button
so that you can view your page in a tidy HTML version (don't worry, it won't
messed up your article formatting). This way it will be easier to locate the
image tag.  

format HTML blogger locate img tag


Step 3: Inserting lazy-load attribute

Locate the img tag which contains your image thumbnail. Then insert the
loading-lazy parameter: loading="lazy" inside the img tag. It'll look
like the following code:

inserting lazy-load attribut inside img tag

 You can also insert the loading="lazy" attribute inside your Blogger theme
img tag. Go to your Blogger theme editor and find any img tag, then insert the
attribute. For example:

<div class='avatar-image-container'>
  <img loading='lazy' class='author-avatar' expr:src='data:comment.authorAvatarSrc'
height='35' width='35'/>

You need to insert the loading-lazy attribute every time you encounter an img
tag. It may be a bit tedious if you have a lot of images. However it has quite
significant impact to improve Blogger performance.

Now that you know how to implement lazy-loading in Blogger, you will be ready
to take on your rivals! 

Read also: How to Write Good Quality Articles to Improve Blogger's Ranking

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