Understanding AdSense Eligibility Requirements for Blogger

You can get AdSense approval for Blogger with free blogspot domain. However,
it can be a little bit tricky, especially for new users. You will not be able
to submit your blogspot directly to AdSense. Instead, you have to request for
approval through Blogger earning tab. This feature is only available for
eligible blogspot.

You can check your Blogger's earning tab in order to determine whether your
blog is eligible or not. For qualified blogspot, you will find a "Sign up for
AdSense" option
. If your Blogger is not qualified yet, you don't need to worry
because you can learn how to become eligible.

For those of you who own free blogspot websites, Blogger provides you with
three general guidelines that you have to follow in order to qualify for
AdSense. The most common reason why your Blogger is not eligible yet is that
you have not followed the guidelines properly.

  • Is your blogspot content unique and interesting?

  • Does your blogspot follow AdSense Program policies?

  • Are you at least 18 years old?

Unique and interesting contents

Your blog has to provide high-quality articles which can attract an audience.
Based on
Francesco Angeli's article, a member of AdSense Policy team,  your blogspot site is considered to be high quality if it meets the
following criteria:

  • Provides originality

  • Your blog should add value

  • Well-organized

  • Informative

Ask yourself whether your blogspot is actually unique and interesting. If
you directly copy someone else's content, it is very likely that it will
never become eligible. A blog of which content is widely available on the
internet may also face difficulties to become qualified for AdSense.

In order to attract an audience, your blog needs to be visible on Google
search result. High quality blogspot would be meaningless if no one can find
it. You can
index a blogspot website using Google Search Console

AdSense Eligibility Blogger

Source: Youtube Screenshot of
Google AdSense


Originality is not that hard to attain if you put effort in it. The tagline
of AdSense for Blogger is "Turn your passion into profit". If you are
a genuine blogger who uses blogspot to share your passion or hobby, it is
very likely that you will be able to become eligible for AdSense.

For those of you who start blogging with profit in mind, originality can be
achieved through more research. You can dedicate some of your time to
identify a popular topic which is not widely discussed yet and write an
article based on the topic. An original topic can be researched through
Google Question Hub.

Although it can be costly, you can also consider hiring a writer to populate
your blog with original articles. Please note that the cost may outweigh
your profit gained through blogging with free blogspot domain, especially if
you have low traffic. If you want to blog for commercial purposes, having
premium domain will help you to gain more reputation.

Additional Value

Your article should provide value to the readers. When visitors read your
contents, they should be able to gain something. It can be a factual
information, knowledge, or entertainment. Blogspot which serves articles
with generic topics does not provide value because it is already known to
the readers.

Sometimes, you may receive inspiration from other people's blogs. It is okay
to use the idea as long as you don't directly copy the contents.
You also need to add more value to the original idea. For example,
you can translate or rewrite a small snippet of someone else's writing and
put additional information and context so that it can become more useful.

Using proper grammar and having proper format will increase the value of
your blog. Check your articles for errors and typo. Updating your old articles is also a good practice to ensure that your blog stays relevant.

Organizing Blogspot

A well-organized blog is a good blog. Providing good user interface is an
important step to become eligible. Choose a responsive blogspot theme which loads fast. The layout should be able to be displayed correctly on any
devices. Keep in mind that we are in Mobile First era.

I usually use stock modern Blogger theme such as Contempo or Soho when I
wait for my blog to become eligible for AdSense. I also recommend
lightweight themes designed by Igniel, such as Fiksioner or Textrim.

A theme
of which contains errors and loads slowly will not be good for eligibility. On the other hand, good theme will ensure that your contents can be crawled properly, thus increase your chance to become qualified.

Don't forget to put easy-to-use navigation menu. Classify your blog posts
using labels and put relevant pages, such as About Me page, so that your
visitor can navigate conveniently. Make sure that there is no broken link or
broken alignments.

Furthermore, please make sure that your blog is easy to read. Use proper
font size! Surprisingly, a lot of people who asked me to review their
blogspot seems to have readability problem. They also use weird fonts type
and bad color schemes. That will hurt your chances to become eligible.


A good blog post should contain useful information. It should not mislead
its readers. Some people stuff a lot of keywords into their article in order
to achieve higher ranking in Google search result. This is actually
contra-productive because your blog may be designated as spam blog and thus
will never become eligible for AdSense.

I have seen a blogspot which contains a lot of keywords but has no real
valuable article. The blog does generate high amount of visitors but it is
not qualified for AdSense. Having a high volume traffic is meaningless if
the content is junk.

Do not fill your blog with bogus tips and tricks. It best to write a topic
which you are actually knowledgeable and enthusiastic about. For example, if
you are not a doctor and has no medical background, I don't recommend you to
write about medical advice.

Following AdSense Program Policies

Following all of the AdSense Program Policies is mandatory. However,
I'd like to highlight the two most important AdSense program policies
for new blogspot users

who wish to become eligible.

Follow Google Publisher Policy

You can read the full Google Publisher Policy
here to see what kind of contents are allowed by AdSense. It's important to read the page because it may be the key which may
unlock your blogspot's AdSense eligibility. It basically says that you
should not post anything illegal.

One of the most important points from Google publisher policy is
regarding "Misrepresentative content".  It is interesting to note
that promoting content, products, or services using false, dishonest, or
deceptive claims is prohibited. It includes, for example, "Get
Rich Quick" schemes.

The policy is consistent with my point about informative blogspot. Do
not post bogus information. It also raises a question whether
misrepresentative domain name may be the reason why your blogspot is not
eligible or rejected by AdSense.

Good domain name should be short and easy to remember, it doesn't have
to be relevant with your content. In fact, using keyword as domain name
may be counter productive in some cases. Coming up with your own brand name for your domain would be a great idea.

I also recommend you to look at the
Google Publisher Restrictions.  AdSense does allow some illicit or adult content. However
Blogger content policy
specifically prohibit you to use it as a way to make money on adult

Follow Technical Requirements

AdSense is available in most countries. However, if you are from the
following regions, you may not be able to use AdSense due to USA

  • Crimea

  • Cuba

  • Iran

  • North Korea

  • Sudan

  • Syria

Moreover you also need to consider your contents language. If your
content is written in unsupported language, you may not be able to
become eligible. AdSense only supports monetization for
contents with certain languages.

For example, if I were to create a blogspot in Javanese language I
won't be able to monetize it using AdSense. Another example, if you
are from Nepal, your language may not be supported by AdSense but you
may still be able to become eligible if your content is written in

Make Sure That You Are 18 or Older

For those of you who are still under 18 years old, you can still write your own
contents with your own Google account and you may become eligible for
AdSense. However you may need to have your parent to sign up for
AdSense.Invite your parent's account to become one of your blog administrator through Blogger setting.

Blogging is something that everyone can do because blogspot is free.
If you are a teenager, creating a valuable blog will be useful for
personal development. It is as fun as posting random meme in social

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding AdSense Eligibility for Blogger

Question: How many posts do I need to publish to become qualified for

Answer: There is no minimum published post in order to become
qualified for AdSense. It depends on the quality of your blog. My first
blogspot was qualified when I had about 20 published posts. I also have a
blog which only had 3 posts but it is qualified.

Question: When will my blogspot blog become eligible for AdSense?

Answer: There is no certain timeline. It may take weeks or months,
unfortunately. AdSense for Blogger is designed to reward users who have
well-established contents. AdSense does state that your blog need to be active for at least six months to become eligible although in my experience it can be sooner than that. Use custom domain if you don't want to wait.

Question: How much traffic does my blog need to become qualified for AdSense?

Answer:  The number of visitors is not a factor which
determines Blogger's eligibility. Don't worry if your blog doesn't have much traffic because it can still qualify for AdSense. You only need to make sure that
your blog can attract readers.

Question: Does image affect AdSense Eligibility?

Answer: Yes, it may. Avoid using copyrighted materials. There are a
lot of  websites which provide copyright-free image that you can use
such as Getty Image or Pixabay.

Question: Can I monetize my poetry that I posted in Blogspot using

Answer: Evidently you can. I post original cheesy poetry in this
blog before I even get AdSense approval. However I also post normal
articles too. Please note that short poetry may be considered as
no-content. I believe AdSense does not specifically prohibit creative

Question: Does Blogger theme affect AdSense Eligibility?

Answer: Yes, I think so. I have several qualified blogspot and they
are all using responsive theme. Broken theme will not be good for AdSense

Question: Does qualified blogspot guarantee AdSense Approval?

Answer: No. Once your blogspot becomes eligible, you can
request  for AdSense approval but that doesn't guarantee that your
blog will be accepted. However, if your blog follows the eligibility
requirements, you will have a good chance to be approved.

Question: Can I reapply if AdSense rejects my Blogger with blogspot

Answer: Yes, you can. AdSense will provides you with rejection
reason. After you have fixed the problem, you can reapply. As far as I
know, there is no limit on how many times you can reapply.

Question: Can AdSense for Blogger make me rich?

Answer: It is unlikely that AdSense for Blogger can make you rich.
It is not impossible if you have multiple blogs and a lot of resources.
However you will have to compete with premium websites. Creating a
profitable website may take a long time.

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