How To Create a Scroll Back To Top Button (Blogger & WordPress)

A "Back to Top" button is crucial on a website  it allow users to quickly can return to the top of the page. Are you looking for how to create and add a Back to Top button on your blog or webpage page?  Yes, You have come to the right place! 

Why Back to Top Button Importance?

A scroll back to top button is a feature that allows users to quickly return to the top of a webpage. It is important for blogger websites as it improves user experience, website navigation, and increases user engagement. 

Best practices for using scroll back to top buttons include placing the button strategically, keeping it visible, and ensuring mobile responsiveness. The impact of scroll back to top buttons on SEO includes user experience signals, bounce rate reduction, and dwell time improvement.

The "Back to Top" button is a crucial feature for websites and web pages as it enhances user experience and improves website usability. It provides easy navigation, is mobile-friendly, and accessible for users with disabilities. Additionally, it encourages better user engagement, has a user-friendly design, saves time, and can positively impact website metrics. 

UI and UX design are crucial for webpage development. It can enhance engagement, usability, element identity, goal achievement, mobile responsiveness, accessibility, and impact metrics. "Back to Top" button is an essential UI element. Thoughtful design processes are necessary for effective webpages. 

Overall, this "Back to Top" button is a effective feature that improves the user experience on your website. Also it an essential element in modern web design.

Learn how to design a back-to-top button using HTML and CSS with these simple techniques. We share script  "Back to top" feature that can be added to the bottom of your website, making navigation easier for users. Today I am sharing a way to add a back-to-top button on two platforms: Blogger and WordPress

How to Create a Back-to-top Button in WordPress?

Importance of a back-to-top button. Different styles: floating, fixed position, stylish and animated. How to add in WordPress? Option 1: install plugin - access dashboard, install plugin, activate, customize. Option 2: manual method - access dashboard, edit functions.php file, add CSS styles, implement button functionality.

Method1: Back-to-top Button for WordPress with Plugin

Creating a back-to-top button with HTML and CSS for a WordPress website:

Step 1: First, Log in to your WordPress Dashboard

Step 2: Install and Activate a Back to Top Plugin (Optional)

Install and Activate a Back to Top Plugin (Optional)
If you new users and  doesn't basic coding knowledge, you shoud use this steps to use a plugin to add the back-to-top button, you can search for and install a back-to-top plugin from the WordPress Plugin Repository. 

Here's how:
1. In the WordPress admin Dashboard, go to "Plugins" section "Add New."
2. Search for "Back to Top" in the search bar of plugin secton.
3. Choose a plugin that suits your needs (e.g., "WP-BackToTop," "Scroll Back to Top," etc.).
4. Click "Install Now" and then "Activate" to enable the plugin.
5. Now, successfully enable Scroll Back to Top button your site.

Method2 :Alternative method without plugin (advance levels)

Step1: First Edit Your Theme's Footer.php File (Alternative method if not using a plugin)
If you prefer not to use a plugin or want more control over the button's appearance and functionality. You can manually add the back-to-top button to your theme's footer.php file. 

1. In the WordPress Dashboard, go to "Appearance" > "Theme Editor."
2. On the right side, locate and click on the "footer.php" file to edit it.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the "footer.php" file, just before the closing </body> tag (</body></html>).
4. Add the following HTML code for the back-to-top button:

<button onclick="scrollToTop()" id="back-to-top-btn" title="Go to Top">^</button>
5. Save the changes by clicking the "Update File" button.

Step 2: Add Custom CSS (Optional)

To add custom CSS:
  1. In the WordPress Dashboard, go to "Appearance" > "Customize."
  2.  In the customizer, click on "Additional CSS."
  3.  Add your custom CSS styles for the back-to-top button. For example:

#back-to-top-btn {
display: none;
position: fixed;
bottom: 20px;
right: 20px;
padding: 10px;
font-size: 18px;
background-color: #333;
color: #fff;
border: none;
border-radius: 50%;
cursor: pointer;

#back-to-top-btn:hover {
background-color: #555;
5. Click "Publish" to save the changes.

Step 3: Add JavaScript Functionality
To add a scroll-to-top button, use JavaScript. If you have a back-to-top plugin, it's already included. Otherwise, follow these steps to add the JavaScript code.

1. Go to "Appearance" > "Theme Editor" in WordPress Dashboard.
2. On the right side, locate and click on the "functions.php" file to edit it.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the "functions.php" file and add the following JavaScript code:

// Function to scroll to the top of the page smoothly
function scrollToTop() {
top: 0,
behavior: 'smooth'
5. Finally, Save the changes by clicking the "Update File" button. 
You have added a back-to-top button to your WordPress website. It will appear when users scroll down the page and clicking it will smoothly take them back to the top of the page.

How to Create a Scroll Back To Top Button Blogger

Adding the back-to-top button on Blogger involves accessing the dashboard, navigating to the "Layout" section, adding a new gadget, and configuring the button. Customization options include choosing the button design, adjusting its position and size, and adding hover effects. Follow Step-by-Step Guide to Adding the Scroll Back To Top Button in BlogSpot blog:

Step 1: Accessing the Blogger Template Editor

To begin, log in to your Blogger dashboard and navigate to the dashboard. From the left-hand menu, select "Theme," and then click on "Edit HTML." This action will open the template editor, where you can modify your blog's code.

Step 2: Backing up Your Template

Before making any changes to your template, it is crucial to create a backup. Click on the "Download full template" button to save a copy of your current template. This precaution ensures that you can restore the original code if anything goes wrong during the implementation process.

Step 3: Locating the Closing </body> Tag

To insert the scroll back to top button, you need to find the closing </body> tag in your template. You can use the search function (CTRL + F) and type </body> to locate it quickly.

Step 4: Adding the Custom Scroll Back To Top Code

Once you've found the </body> tag, go to the line just above it and paste the following custom code:

<div id="scroll-to-top-btn">
<a href="#" onclick="return false;" title="Scroll Back To Top">
<i class="fas fa-chevron-up"></i>
Step 5: Styling the Scroll Back To Top Button
To ensure that the scroll back to top button looks visually appealing, you can add some CSS styles. Insert the following code just above the </head> tag in your template:

#scroll-to-top-btn {
position: fixed;
bottom: 20px;
right: 20px;
background-color: #333;
color: #fff;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
border-radius: 50%;
text-align: center;
line-height: 40px;
display: none;
z-index: 99;

#scroll-to-top-btn a {
color: #fff;
text-decoration: none;
Step 6: Adding JavaScript Functionality 
To enable the scroll back to top functionality, insert the following JavaScript code just above the </body> tag:

window.onscroll = function () {

function scrollFunction() {
if (document.body.scrollTop > 20 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 20) {
document.getElementById("scroll-to-top-btn").style.display = "block";
} else {
document.getElementById("scroll-to-top-btn").style.display = "none";

document.getElementById("scroll-to-top-btn").onclick = function () {

function scrollToTop() {
document.body.scrollTop = 0;
document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;

This JavaScript code will control the button's visibility and functionality based on the user's scrolling position.


Add back-to-top button WordPress website following instructions. Button appear when users scroll down and smoothly scroll them back top page. 

You also add feature Blogger blog using custom codes. Enhancing user experience with feature benefits both visitors and search engines, improving website's user-friendliness and potential higher search engine rankings. Implement improvement today for smoother and more user-centric blogging experience. 

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