KPPSC English Grammar MCQs Quiz Test

English Grammar Multiple Choice Question Answers For Khyber Pakhtonkhwan Provinces. Learn here multiple choice object type quiz test for upcoming jobs tests. Similar Words Meaning Using Method Learn online. Online Past Papers KPPSC MCQs Questions With Solutions.

Solved Multiple Choice Objective Type KPPKSC English Grammar MCQs
KPPSC MCQs Question Answers MCQs

In English Grammar use synonym words meanings learning for jobs tests. Synonyms meaning with online helpful test synonyms meaning in urdu and English. MCQs Quiz Test prepositional phrase examples With Solution.

English Grammar Synonyms Multiple Choice Quiz

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KPPSC Synonym MCQs With Solved Answers Online

Q.1: One-Trick Pony means: ?

  1. A person having one special feature, talent, or area of experti
  2. Doing work dishonesty
  3. Unlawful paropaganda
  4. Clever planning for enemy



  1. problematic : solution
  2. devious : argument
  3. elliptical : brevity
  4. judicious : selection
  5. profound : depth


Q.3: Synonym of VALOUR is -------- ?

  1. Stable
  2. Coward
  3. Heroism
  4. Fear


Q.4: Synonym of “variegate” is ------- ?

  1. set type
  2. multi-color
  3. differ
  4. reject
  5. reply-in-kind


Q.5: I am famous -------honesty where javed is notorious for dishonesty ?

  1. for
  2. to
  3. upon
  4. in


Q.6: Synonym of “reticence” is ------- ?

  1. reserve
  2. retention
  3. regret
  4. brazenness
  5. hostility



  1. common: ghostly
  2. worldly: unworldly
  3. routine: novel
  4. secular: clerical


Q.8: DIVA: OPERA :: ?

  1. producer: theatre
  2. director: drama
  3. conductor: bus
  4. thespian: play


Q.9: Synonym of “senescent” is -------- ?

  1. sensitive
  2. ageing
  3. sleepy
  4. sweet smelling


Q.10: Synonym of “chasten” is -------- ?

  1. discipline
  2. pursue
  3. sanctify
  4. stop
  5. start


Q.11: I cannot concentrate, here is too much -------- ?

  1. detraction
  2. distraction
  3. people
  4. sound
  5. contraction


Q.12: We arrived ---- the village at night ?

  1. to
  2. in
  3. at
  4. of


Q.13: Lust: Sex :: ?

  1. Friend: Foe
  2. Lamp: Light
  3. Anger: Pugnacity
  4. Hoard: Amass
  5. Sodium: Salt ::


Q.14: FISH : SCALES :: ?

  1. Book : Papers
  2. Snake : Fangs
  3. Birds : Feather
  4. Car : Wheels
  5. Cat : Claws


Q.15: The book is------the mug and pen ?

  1. In
  2. Among
  3. Between
  4. Of


Q.16: killing of a large group of people called-------- ?

  1. filicide
  2. fratricide
  3. genocide
  4. homicide


Q.17: Synonym of Exemplify is ------------ ?

  1. Reprehensible
  2. Illustrate
  3. Empty
  4. Finish


Q.18: A small enclosure for cattle, sheep, poultry et

  • is called as ------ ?

    1. Cellar
    2. Sty
    3. Pen
    4. Lair


  • Q.19: Caravan : desert :: ?

    1. Boat: Cruise
    2. Book: Library
    3. Midnight: Noon
    4. NONE


    Q.20: The--------- of war is expected very soon ?

    1. Cessation
    2. Cession
    3. Session
    4. cestion


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