Everyday General Science FPSC MCQs

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Solved Multiple Choice Objective Type FPSC MCQs With Answers
Every day Science FPSC MCQs

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Everyday Science FPSC MCQs Online Quiz Test

Everyday Science MCQs Preparations With Quiz Test

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Solved Question Answers Everyday Science MCQs

Q.1: Which one is Natural Satellite ?

  1. Sun
  2. Moon
  3. Venus
  4. Mercury


Q.2: A Vegetable containing sulphur is-------- ?

  1. Potato
  2. Cabbage
  3. Brinjal
  4. Pumpkin


Q.3: What prevents the earth’s atmosphere from drifting away into space ?

  1. Gravity
  2. Ozone layer
  3. Troposphere
  4. Ecosystem


Q.4: The outermost layer of the Earth is called ------- ?

  1. Crust
  2. Mental
  3. Core
  4. None of these


Q.5: For being able to see three-dimensional pictures we have to use----- ?

  1. A binocular
  2. A camera
  3. A epidiascope
  4. A stereoscope


Q.6: What is the symbol of Gold ?

  1. Ag
  2. Au
  3. S
  4. None


Q.7: The major component of honey is----- ?

  1. Glucose
  2. Surcose
  3. Maltose
  4. Fructose


Q.8: A tight-rope walker carries a long pole which he holds across his body. The purpose of this pole is to------- ?

  1. Prop him up if he falls
  2. Spread out his weight and reduce the pressure on the rope
  3. Add extra weight to keep the rope tightly stretched
  4. To keep the centre of gravity always vertically above the rope


Q.9: Coke is made by heating coal in the absence of air at--------- ?

  1. 700 °C
  2. 900 °C
  3. 1300 °C
  4. 1700 °C


Q.10: The second most abundant metal found in the earth’s crust is------ ?

  1. Iron
  2. Aluminium
  3. Calcium
  4. Sodium


Q.11: The amount of energy in wheat is------- ?

  1. 100 K Calories/100 gram
  2. 245 K Calories/100 gram
  3. 348 K Calories/100 gram
  4. 490 K Calories/100 gram


Q.12: Units of electricity consumed by 2500 watt air-conditioner in one hour are------- ?

  1. 25 units
  2. 2.25 units
  3. 2.5 units
  4. 0.25 units


Q.13: A man can survive without food for at least ?

  1. One month
  2. Two month
  3. Three month
  4. Four month


Q.14: What Color does chlorophyll not absorb ?

  1. Red
  2. Blue
  3. Green
  4. Yellow


Q.15: Which Planet is Called Great Red Spot ?

  1. Neptune
  2. Mars
  3. Jupiter
  4. Mercury


Q.16: The alloy of aluminium used for making magnet is------- ?

  1. Duralumin
  2. Y-Alloy
  3. Alnico
  4. Aluminium bronze


Q.17: Which variety of glass is heat resistant ?

  1. Bottle glass
  2. Flint glass
  3. Hard glass
  4. Pyrex glass


Q.18: Which is the heaviest metal ?

  1. Iron
  2. Mercury
  3. Nickel
  4. Osmium


Q.19: Which one of the following gases is readily soluble in water at room temperature ?

  1. Chlorine
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Ammonia
  4. Carbon dioxide


Q.20: Earth rotates the sun in---------- ?

  1. 23 hours 56 min 4 sec
  2. 24 hours
  3. 23 hours 57 min 9 sec
  4. Non of above


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