World Countries GK MCQs Quiz Test PPSC

Readers Here you Will learn important Solved Multiple Choice Question Answers In Objective type World country Islands, India, Russia, China, Germany General Knowledge Solved Questions With Answers Tests.

Online Solved World GK Question Answers MCQs
World Countries Information MCQs

These MCQs Are helpful For PPSC Jobs And Interviews Type Questions With Solved Answers. Learn With Online Study Of World Countries Informative MCQs Quiz Test.

World GK PPSC MCQs With Answers Quiz Test

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PPSC World GK Objective Type Solved MCQs

Q.1: Who played role of Quaid-e-Azam in film “Jinnah” which was released 7 November 1998 ?

  1. Micky arther
  2. Christopher Lee
  3. Shashi Kapoor
  4. Jamil Dehalvi


Q.2: The world’s second longest river is ?

  1. Neil
  2. Amazon
  3. Indus
  4. Yangtze


Q.3: Which Country is not involved in BRICS ?

  1. China
  2. Russia
  3. India
  4. Germany


Q.4: Which country invades Egypt during Suez crisis in 1956 ?

  1. England
  2. France
  3. Israel
  4. Germany


Q.5: The headquarter of organizations for the prohibition of chemical weapons ?

  1. Russia
  2. USA
  3. Australia
  4. Nederland


Q.6: Which is the currency of Iraq ?

  1. Rouble
  2. Dinar
  3. Taka
  4. Peso


Q.7: Asian Men’s Hockey Champions Trophy-2016 held in ?

  1. Malaysia
  2. India
  3. Indonesia
  4. Maldives


Q.8: Tenge is the currency of--------- ?

  1. New Zealand
  2. Malaysia
  3. Finland
  4. Kazakhstan


Q.9: BRICS Summit held on 15-16 October-2016 in ?

  1. Beijing (ChinA).
  2. Goa (IndiA) ?
  3. Cape Town (South AfricA).
  4. Moscow (Russia).


Q.10: Jezira Haft Talar is another name of --------- ?

  1. Churna Island
  2. Astola Island
  3. Mana Island
  4. Bundal Island


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