Computer Literacy Test Questions And Answers

PPSC,FPSC,CSS,NTS,OTS,CTS,PMS computer science and engineering MCQs with answers quiz tests. These Multiple Choice Objective type Question answers are helpful for the computer scientist interviews preparations with solved question answers.

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MCQs Quiz Tests Computer Literacy Basics

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Computer Operators & Data Entry Operators Solved MCQs

Q.1: CD stands for ----- ?

  1. Composite Disk
  2. Company Disk
  3. Compact Disk
  4. Criteria Disk


Q.2: FTP stands for ------- ?

  1. Fix Transfer Protocol
  2. File Transfer Procedure
  3. File Transfer Protocol
  4. First Transfer Protocol


Q.3: RTF stands for ------- ?

  1. Right Text Format
  2. Read Text Format
  3. Rich Text Format
  4. Royal Text Format


Q.4: ADF stands for ------- ?

  1. All Disc Feeder
  2. Automatic Document Feeder
  3. Automatic Document Finder
  4. Automatic Disc Finder


Q.5: CRT stands for ----- ?

  1. Crystal Ray Tube
  2. Cathode Ray Tube
  3. Cabin Ray Tube
  4. Carbon Ray Tube


Q.6: IP stands for ------- ?

  1. Intranet Process
  2. Internet Process
  3. Intranet Protocol
  4. Internet Protocol


Q.7: NOS stands for ------- ?

  1. New Operating System
  2. Network Operating Source
  3. Network Operating System
  4. Network Original System


Q.8: ANSI stands for ------- ?

  1. American Nation Standard Instruction Codes
  2. American National Standard Institute
  3. Asian National Standard Instruction Codes
  4. Asian Nations Standard Instruction Codes


Q.9: How many menus has a calculator in the windows ?

  1. Three
  2. Five
  3. Four
  4. Two


Q.10: In Excel which key is used to select entire row ?

  1. Ctrl+Space
  2. Shift+Space
  3. Alt+Space
  4. None of these


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