Chemistry Notes | Online Quiz Test Analytical Chemistry

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Solved Question Answers Objective Type Chemistry Quiz Test
Chemistry Quiz Test Solved MCQs

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Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Question Answers

Q.1: Equilibrium state is achieved quickly by the addition of -------- ?

  1. reactants
  2. acid
  3. base
  4. catalyst


Q.2: Cement is a mixture of-------- ?

  1. clay and clinker
  2. clay lime stone and gypsum
  3. lime stone and gypsum
  4. lime stone and clay


Q.3: Energy of reactant higher than energy of product favours Endothermic--------- ?

  1. Exothermic
  2. Moderate reaction
  3. No reaction
  4. None of These


Q.4: Which of the following is not primary pollutant-------- ?

  1. SO3
  2. CO
  3. NO
  4. H2SO4


Q.5: Ozone hole is substantial depletion of ozone in every year during---------- ?

  1. Aug – Nov
  2. Sep – Nov
  3. Nov – Dec
  4. Dec – Jan


Q.6: A substance which increases the reactivity of enzyme is called------------ ?

  1. Promoters
  2. Inhibitors
  3. Stimulators
  4. Non-activators


Q.7: The percentage of suspended solid waste in raw water is removed by coagulation is----------- ?

  1. 60
  2. 70
  3. 80
  4. 90


Q.8: Which set of solutes will form a buffer when dissolved in water to make 1 litter of solution ?

  1. 0.0002M HCI
  2. 0.2 mole of NaCI with 0.2 mole of HNO3
  3. 0.4 mole of CH3COOH with 0.4 mole of NaOH
  4. 0.4 mole of NH3 with 0.2 mole of HCI


Q.9: Enzynies that catalyze the transfer of groups within molecule are called--------- ?

  1. Isomerases
  2. Lyases
  3. Transferases
  4. Ligases


Q.10: Ka<10-3 means-------- ?

  1. Very strong base
  2. Very weak acid
  3. Very strong acid
  4. Very strong salt


Q.11: Addition of urea to the soil is ------------ reaction ?

  1. endothermic
  2. exothermic
  3. both a and b
  4. no heat energy is involved


Q.12: Unit of rate of reaction is----------- ?

  1. Moles dm-3 sec-1
  2. Moles dm-3
  3. Moles sec-1
  4. Mol-1 dm3 sec-1


Q.13: Enzyme proved useful in cancer treatment is------- ?

  1. Lactic dehydrogenase
  2. Alkaline phosphatase
  3. L-asparaginase
  4. Cellulase


Q.14: Lipopolysaccharides are examples of-------- ?

  1. Derived lipids
  2. Simple lipids
  3. Compound lipids
  4. Not a type of lipids


Q.15: Hypochlorous acid is used for disinfecting the water it reacts with the dissolved ammonia producing---------- ?

  1. NH2Cl
  2. NHCI2
  3. NCI2
  4. all of the above


Q.16: Animal and vegetable fats are--------- ?

  1. Glycerols
  2. Fatty acids
  3. Triesters formed from glycerol and fatty acids
  4. Tetraesters formed from glycerol and fatty acids


Q.17: Which of the following is incorrect statement about nitrogen importance ?

  1. It enhances plant growth
  2. It is involved in the synthesis of protein and nucleic acids
  3. it accelerates fruits and flowers growth
  4. It is involved in the chlorophyll synthesis


Q.18: Which one of the following makes the bulk of hydrospheres content ?

  1. oceans
  2. glaciers AND icecaps
  3. fresh water lakes and ponds
  4. All have equal distribution


Q.19: Which of the following processes is used for the synthesis of cement ?

  1. dry process
  2. wet process
  3. both
  4. none


Q.20: Argillaceous material does not include-------- ?

  1. vlay
  2. marine shells
  3. slate
  4. blast furnace slag


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