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Solved Computer Exams Question And Answers MCQs

Q.1: ISDN stands for ------- ?
  1. Integrated Service Digital Network
  2. Intelligent Service Digital Network
  3. Integrated Service Double Network
  4. Integrated Secure Digital Network
Q.2: What is the Name of the Feature that will allow you to take a step backward if youve made a mistake ?
  1. Redo
  2. Cancel
  3. Undo
  4. Backspace
Q.3: Pressing F8 key for three times selects ------- ?
  1. A paragraph
  2. A word
  3. A sentence
  4. A whole page
  5. None
Q.4: HTML stands for ------- ?
  1. Hyper Text Magic Line
  2. Hyper Text Markup Line
  3. Hyper Text Markup Language
  4. High Text Markup Language
Q.5: VLSI stands for --------- ?
  1. Very Large Scale Immunisation
  2. Very Large Scale Integration
  3. Very Large Scale Industry
  4. Very Low Scale Immunisation
Q.6: ANSI stands for ------ ?
  1. Asian Narcotics Standards Institute
  2. American National Standards Institute
  3. Asian National Standards Institute
  4. American Narcotics Standards Institute
Q.7: How to remove all character formats in MS Word ?
  1. Shift + Spacebar
  2. Shift + Enter
  3. Ctrl + Spacebar
  4. Ctrl + Enter
Q.8: MODEM stands for ------- ?
  1. Modulation And Demodulation
  2. Modulator And Demodulator
  3. Modulator And Electronic Demodulator
  4. Modulator Or Digital Electronic Demodulator
Q.9: MAC stands for ------- ?
  1. Mass Access Control
  2. Media Access Control
  3. Mass Access Carraige
  4. Media Access Carraige
Q.10: How many different positions can you set for drop cap ?
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
Q.11: A combination of 4 bit is called ----- ?
  1. Byte
  2. Nibble
  3. Gega Byte
  4. Mega byte
Q.12: Single spacing in MS-Word document causes ---- point line spacing ?
  1. 10
  2. 12
  3. 14
  4. 16
Q.13: How many columns can you insert in a word document in maximum ?
  1. 35
  2. 45
  3. 55
  4. 63
Q.14: PHP stands for ------- ?
  1. Processor Hypertext Program
  2. Hypertext Preprocessor
  3. Pre Hypertext Processor
  4. Pre Processor Hypertext
Q.15: In MS Word What is the maximum scale percentage available in scale drop down box ?
  1. 400
  2. 100
  3. 150
  4. 200
Q.16: SWF stands for ------ ?
  1. Shut Wave Flash
  2. Shock Wave Player
  3. Shock Wave Flash
  4. Shut Wave Flash
Q.17: What is the maximum number of columns that can be inserted in MS Word Table ?
  1. 35
  2. 45
  3. 55
  4. 63
  5. 65
Q.18: KB stands for ------- ?
  1. Kernel Boot
  2. Kit Bit
  3. Kilo Byte
  4. Key Block
Q.19: FORTRAN stands for ------- ?
  1. Formula transistor
  2. Formula translation
  3. Formula train network
  4. Formula translation network
Q.20: LCD stands for ------- ?
  1. Liquid Clear Display
  2. Light Clear Display
  3. Light Crystal Display
  4. Liquid Crystal Display
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